Eggs & Issues

Join us for Eggs & Issues on April 21st with Mary Lamie, P.E. Executive Director of the St. Louis Regional Freightway!

Networking Luncheon

Jerry's Cafeteria 1920 Edison Ave, Granite City, IL, United States

Join us for our monthly Networking Luncheon at Jerry's Cafeteria May 5th! This month we are excited to hear from the Granite City Cool Cities Committee! Craig Knight, Risk Manager for the City of Granite City, will be introducing the group.

It’s 5 O’Clock Somewhere

Join us at the NEW Speakeasy in Downtown Granite City! Visit this new business with us May 12th and network in a different setting.

Eggs & Issues

Granite City Housing Authority 2517 Nameoki Road, Granite City, IL, United States

Join us for breakfast for Eggs & Issues and hear from Shane Watson, Gateway Regional Medical Center CEO!
May 19th from 7:30am - 9:00am at the Granite City Housing Authority in Granite City.

Networking Luncheon

Jerry's Cafeteria 1920 Edison Ave, Granite City, IL, United States

Join us Thursday, June 2nd, for the Chamber's monthly Networking Luncheon at Jerry's Cafeteria. Have lunch and hear from Michael Wooten from Effervescent Studios!

It’s 5 O’clock Somewhere

America's Central Port Building 203 1521 3rd Street, Granite City, IL, United States

Join us Thursday, June 9th, for It's 5 O'clock Somewhere hosted by America's Central Port! Free drinks, some good eats, PLUS a tour of the former locomotive maintenance 203 building that the Port is refurbishing for future suitable manufacturers to locate.

Eggs & Issues

Granite City Housing Authority 2517 Nameoki Road, Granite City, IL, United States

Join us June 16th to hear from Madison County Board Chairman, Kurt Prenzler for the Chamber's monthly Eggs & Issues!

Networking Luncheon

Jerry's Cafeteria 1920 Edison Ave, Granite City, IL, United States

Join us at Jerry's Cafeteria Thursday, July 7th, for the Chamber's monthly Networking Luncheon. July presents Dana Takmajian - Pierce and Debbie Wiehardt! They will discuss and demonstrate the importance of movement, and how it can be accomplished, no matter your age or what you are doing at any time in your day.

It’s 5 O’Clock Somewhere

Mexican Honorary Commission Club 1801 Spruce Street, Granite City, IL, United States

Join us for a networking opportunity in a different setting! Thursday, July 14th, we will be visiting the Mexican Honorary Commission Club for It's 5 O'Clock Somewhere. Did you know Thursdays at the Mexican Honorary Commission's Club are WING NIGHTS? Wings and fries until sold out starting at 5:30pm!

Networking Luncheon

Jerry's Cafeteria 1920 Edison Ave, Granite City, IL, United States

Join us at Jerry’s Cafeteria Thursday, August 4th, for the Chamber’s monthly Networking Luncheon! August presents Jean Ponzi, Green Resource Manager at the Missouri Botanical Gardens, on the Green Business Challenge. 

The Chamber of Commerce Southwestern Madison County’s Annual Golf Tournament 2022

Gateway National Golf Links 18 Golf Drive, Madison, IL, United States

The Chamber’s Annual Golf Tournament 2022 is recognizing Curtis Francois as our FIRST Honorary Chairman! The Chamber’s Annual Golf Tournament will take place Thursday, August 11th, 2022 at the Gateway National Golf Links. Please complete the registration form and return it, with payment, by July 29th