Granite City has a rich and varied history. Prior to it’s founding in 1896, it was home to various tribes of Native American Indians and was then settled by French and later English and German immigrants. During the boom of the Industrial Revolution, Granite City became a prime location for industrial growth due to its central location and access to the Mississippi River. It was during this time that industrialists, Frederick and William Niedringhaus founded their operations for the St. Louis Stamping Company that would eventually become Granite City Steel.

The 1800s
Southwestern Madison County’s history goes back to the early 1800s when it was referred to as Six Mile Prairie, or more simply, Six Mile. This area was made up of farm land that developed in the 1830s when pioneer families migrating westward chose to settle where the soil was richest: the bottom land east of the Mississippi River. These farmers traveled the six miles to St. Louis to sell their produce and buy supplies, hence the name Six Mile Prairie.
Before mid-century, the National Road was constructed from the East to St. Louis, coursing through the Six Mile area. Built of planks, it assured that farm wagons loaded with produce would not become bogged down in mud after a heavy rain. The railroad came through Six Mile Prairie in 1865.
Two German immigrants changed the face of Six Mile. They were the Niedringhaus brothers, Frederick and William. The two arrived in St. Louis in the 1850s. In 1857, they began producing kitchen utensils, at first by hand and later by machines that stamped out utensils from a single sheet of metal. Early in 1874, during a visit to Germany, William found a store displaying utensils coated with a white material. He bought the process and returned to St. Louis where, on April 10, the first piece of graniteware was produced. It was coated with ground granite. The brothers quickly patented the process and the history of Granite City began.
In 1891, the Niedringhaus brothers crossed the Mississippi to the Six Mile area looking for a good place to relocate their rapidly growing business and establish a city. In 1892, they purchased 3,500 acres and began building. In 1896, they incorporated their community as Granite City, named for the graniteware that had made them wealthy.
Two German immigrants changed the face of Six Mile. They were the Niedringhaus brothers, Frederick and William. The two arrived in St. Louis in the 1850s. In 1857, they began producing kitchen utensils, at first by hand and later by machines that stamped out utensils from a single sheet of metal. Early in 1874, during a visit to Germany, William found a store displaying utensils coated with a white material. He bought the process and returned to St. Louis where, on April 10, the first piece of graniteware was produced. It was coated with ground granite. The brothers quickly patented the process and the history of Granite City began.
In 1891, the Niedringhaus brothers crossed the Mississippi to the Six Mile area looking for a good place to relocate their rapidly growing business and establish a city. In 1892, they purchased 3,500 acres and began building. In 1896, they incorporated their community as Granite City, named for the graniteware that had made them wealthy.
The 1900s
By 1899, the Niedringhaus stamping plant was called NESCO, for National Enameling and Stamping Company. It covered 1.25 million square feet of space on 75 acres of land and had 4,000 employees. It closed in 1956, when graniteware could no longer compete with aluminum cookware, Pyrex, Corning Ware, and stainless steel.
During the years the plant thrived, it drew many immigrants from Central Europe to Southwestern Madison County. They brought a strong work ethic and an eagerness to do well in this new country. The plant also attracted other heavy industrial firms to the city. Granite City Steel was one of them and remains one of the area’s leading industrial firms.
In 1911, Anheuser Busch begins construction on a building to use as a warehouse. They would house fifteen teams of Clydesdale horses here that were used to deliver beer. The beer was brought in by trains from St. Louis and then distributed throughout Madison County. At the time, A-B brewed and distributed Budweiser, Faust and Bevo beers.
Today, Southwestern Madison County is a bustling community with a diverse roster of business and industry. A solid citizenry preserves the area’s Central European heritage along with many of the homes and buildings constructed as the area grew in population.
Southwestern Madison County Chamber of Commerce dilligently serves the areas now known as Granite City, Madison, Mitchell, Pontoon Beach, Venice.
Image Source: Wikipedia Commons Madison County Courthouse Edwardsville
Image Source: Wikipedia Commons Madison County Courthouse Edwardsville
Today, Southwestern Madison County is a bustling community with a diverse roster of business and industry. A solid citizenry preserves the area’s Central European heritage along with many of the homes and buildings constructed as the area grew in population.
Southwestern Madison County Chamber of Commerce dilligently serves the areas now known as Granite City, Madison, Mitchell, Pontoon Beach, Venice.