Join The Chamber
This Chamber serves as a voice for business, fostering membership prosperity, opportunities, member engagement, public policy, and community development.

A study recently released by the American Chamber of Commerce Executives found that “Consumers infer that a company is trustworthy, involved in the community, and is an industry leader when they are a part of a Chamber.”
The Chamber is proud to welcome you to our community.
The Chamber of Commerce of Southwestern Madison County is fortunate to represent a very diverse area that includes the cities of Granite City, Madison, Venice, the Village of Pontoon Beach, and the unincorporated area known as Mitchell.
The Chamber of Commerce of Southwestern Madison County is the only organization consistently and exclusively engaged in promoting the civic and economic development of the area. Each year brings new challenges to our business community. It is the support and the strength of our members that will make a difference on the critical issues that impact businesses and the quality of life in this area.
As you can plainly see, your Chamber membership carries with it not only obvious tangible benefits, but also the intangible benefits of increased awareness and appreciation of your involvement in the community. Your Chamber membership has a consistent and powerful impact on the perception the community has of your business.
The Southwestern Madison County Chamber of Commerce is the only entity that represents the business community and brings the leadership of our industry, our Fortune 500 companies, and the owners of our small businesses to the same table. The goal of the Chamber of Commerce is to create new synergy, to improve and influence community policy by promoting region-wide dialogue, to be successful every major business, mid-size industry, and to the very smallest of companies needs a voice in examining and addressing critical issues which shape our region and our future. Current member benefits include:
New Business Contacts
- One of the most important benefits of membership is networking. As a member you will have entrée to Chamber-sponsored activities and social gatherings where you can meet and interact with decision-makers, potential clients, vendors, associates, and have the opportunity to market your business in a quality environment.
Business Referrals
- The Chamber receives daily inquires on where to find products and services in the area. Each year the Chamber makes hundreds of referrals for Chamber member businesses at no cost.
- The Chamber fields numerous calls from industry and commercial developers and works in tandem to set up meetings with the different government entities:
- Madison County Community Development
- Madison County Employment
- City officials
- SWIC Training Programs
- Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunities
- Works directly with the Leadership Council on the Investment Update report
- Works directly with the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO)
- The staff fields dozens of telephone calls daily regarding:
- Business start-ups
- Small business loans
- Better Business Referrals
- Race time and directions
- Available space to rent and to buy
- Directions
- Hotel/Motel information
- Visitors point of interest
- Relocation inquiries
- Referrals to doctors, dentists, realtors, etc.
- Information on area parks
- Information on school districts in area
Website Marketing
- Opportunity to be listed in numerous categories.
- Posting your events and activities to the website.
- Provides numerous low-cost advertising opportunities with various pricing schemes to select from that link directly to your company’s website.
- The Chamber Website encompasses the services and needs of our businesses and families of Granite City, Madison, Venice, Pontoon Beach and Mitchell; working and promoting our businesses, manufacturing, transportation, industry, health-care, education, parks, recreation, churches, civic and social organizations.
- Jobs and Development Opportunities
Marketing Opportunities
- The Chamber offers a wide variety of low-cost ways for members to market themselves to other Chamber members, as well as the community.
- The Chamber Website provides numerous low-cost advertising opportunities.
- The Community Letter US! email newsletter promotes activities, events, new hires, new members and timely issues of interest to the business community. This product is sent monthly to over 500 businesses, at no cost.
- We use social media to enhance marketing and promotional information for our members.
- You can also promote your business through sponsorship opportunities at the many Chamber-sponsored activities, events and social gatherings.
- Members are invited to place information of their business on display in the Chamber office; community packets of information are sent to developers, newcomers and placed in relocation packets.
Community Recognition Involvement
- As a member, you are encouraged to become involved in the many Chamber-sponsored events that recognize the many people, organizations and businesses that have created the multitude of positive aspects of this area. Programs include Business and Industry Appreciation Evening, the Annual Meeting, and the newest events including the ART of Business, What’s Right, Right Here Committee, Speakers Series, Government/Business Affairs, Business to Business and the Leadership Program. We present the Annual Community Service Awards and Citizen of the Year Award.
Promotion of the Area
The Chamber offers you the opportunity to stand alongside the membership as they interact with County, State and Federal officials and agencies for programs that will benefit the area.
Promotional Information
- The Chamber designs, writes and disseminates promotional information on individual businesses, business leaders and the area on:
- The Chamber Website
- The Community Letter US! emails to over 500 businesses monthly
- This information is used to promote the area to:
- Developers seeking information about the area
- Trade Shows
- All inquires about the area
- New business start-ups
- School Districts
- Relocation packets
- We use social media to enhance marketing and promotional information for our members.
The Chamber Office
The Chamber office serves as a clearinghouse and a pick-up point for:
- City Clerk’s City Directory
- Hotel/Motel information
- Racing information
- Park District activities and schedules
- Madison Transit information
- Madison County Bike Trail information
- Madison County resourse information
- Southwestern Illinois College activities and schedules
- SIUE activities and schedules
- Information on area-wide attractions for visitors and potential residents
- Brochures and information on any of our business members
- Information of Clubs and Organizations in the area
The Chamber Office Staff
- Personally “Welcomes” new business in the community.
- Provides Ribbon Cuttings and Grand Openings to new businesses at no cost.
- Serves as a goodwill ambassador for the area.
- Promotes the area both local and regional.
- Provides a Board Room to members for meetings.
- Assist in business hosting businesses after hours at no additional cost.
Government Interactions
- Interacts with County, State and Federal agencies for programs that will benefit the area:
- Confluence Greenway
- Granite City Park District
- Granite City School District #9
- Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity
- Illinois Department of Environmental Protection Agency 4
- Illinois Department of Historic Preservation
- Illinois Department of Natural Resources
- Illinois Department of Tourism
- Illinois Department of Transportation
- Illinois Legislators
- Leadership Council Southwestern Illinois
- Local Governments
- Madison County Board
- Madion County Employment and Training
- Madison County Regional Education
- Madison County Sheriff’s Department
- Madison County Transit
- Madison School District #12
- Metro East Park and Recreation District
- Missouri Botanical Garden
- Southern Illinois University – Edwardsville
- Southwestern Illinois College
- The Trust for Public Land
- Venice School District #3
The information on this page is available for download in a .docx or .pdf format below. We thank you for visiting our website and hope you will consider becoming a member!
Interested In Joining The Chamber?
Please download and fill out the form below or click the link to electronically submit your information to The Southwestern Madison County Chamber of Commerce.